MIDAR Cigars aims to be a boutique retail shop for premium cigars. We cater to cigar aficionados and provide therewith the best selection of cigars for their enjoyment. MIDAR (Making Individual Dreams A Reality) was founded in 2005. Over the years, MIDAR has made its mark in the music, fashion, and beauty industry. MIDAR Cigars is the newest MIDAR entity expansion in the cigar and wine industry which continues to provide premium products and white-glove customer service. The cigar industry experienced unprecedented growth in the U.S. and internationally. Many of our hand-selected brands are sourced world-wide to bring our customers the true MIDAR experience.
V.I.P. Lounge
Come join us and smoke in our upstairs lounge six days a week at our storefront located in Frederick, MD. We play all the sports entertainment events while you have a chance to kickback and enjoy smoking our premium cigars from all over the world.
When you step into MIDAR Cigars lounge, there is a level of class that will be unmatched that you will not find elsewhere. MIDAR Cigars spans 1,200 square feet and takes precedence when it comes to cigars in Frederick, MD. Our extensive wall of humidors offers a huge selection of signature cigars, as well as must-have accessories such as lighters and cutters. Our friendly and knowledgable tobacconists will assist you as soon as you walk through the door to ensure every puff is a memorable one. When visiting, you are welcomed to enjoy your selection in one of our three VIP lounges with six TV’s for prime-time game viewing. Our bar also offers a fantastic array of locally sourced beers to boutique curated wines to enhance your cigar smoking experience.
- Six LED TV's
- Beer & Wine Available
- State of The Art Ventilation & Exhaust Systems
- Knowledgeable tobacconists
- 8 Humidified Cigar Lockers
- Accessories